Top Free BDIX FTP Server and Listing

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 The situation is a little different.  Once a woman asked her husband to cut down a tree that was standing very close to their house.  When the husband asks the reason for cutting down the poor tree, the wife says;  During my bath, some birds come to the tree, which is embarrassing and embarrassing to me.  I don't want any birds to see me during my bath.  Hearing his wife's words, the husband was very happy and quickly brought a man and cut down the tree.  A few days later.  The husband suddenly sees the man back home one day and his wife is talking to a stranger in a very relaxed manner and with great sincerity.  Is laughing.  As if that stranger is very close to her.  Seeing this scene, the poor husband is very sad.  As if his wife is very unfamiliar to him today.  Angered, he left his land and went to Baghdad.  Going there, he started trading.  Allah gives full success in his business.  His name has been linked with some of Baghdad's most influential businessmen.  In this way he gradually gained the satisfaction of the Kotwal of Baghdad.  As a result, he started traveling to Kotwal.  Suddenly one day the house of Kotwal was burglarized.  Law enforcement was not able to catch the thief despite many attempts.  Meanwhile, a shaykh wearing a big abakaba used to come and go from time to time in the house of that Kotwal.  Kotwal paid homage to him with great devotion.  The woman's husband notices the matter but is surprised by one thing.  He noticed that the Shaykh did not leave his whole foot on the ground but walked with half his foot.  Then when he asks someone the reason for it, one says;  Shaykh does not walk on the ground with his whole foot because there is a possibility that an insect will fall under his feet and he will be crushed to death, so he walks with half his foot.  Hearing this, he immediately went to Kotwal's house and called Kotwal and said, "I have found your thief."  Kotwal asks, where is that thief, bring it to me.  He says, I don't know if you will believe, that Shaykh of yours has stolen from your house.  Kotwal is shocked.  He went to the house of the shaykh for investigation and saw that all the stolen goods were in the house of Samana shaykh.  Shaykh was convicted of theft.  Kotwal then asked him, brother!  We had no idea that Shaykh could steal, how did you know that?  The man replied, Mr. Kotwal!  A tree near my house suggested to me that those who try to decorate in excess of the need are not really good.


 This has become very popular in modern times.  Today there are many who show a lot of piety on the outside but the reality is that because of bad deeds his relatives and even his family members seek refuge in Allah from him.  They have beautiful tidy outside and ugly ugly inside.  Outside they are saints and inside they are Pharaohs.  Outside is a true believer and inside is Abdullah bin Ubai bin Sulul.  On top of that they fall in love with Medina but they again follow the infidels and respectfully follow their customs.  They give different advice to people but it is not reflected in their lives.  They preach to people but they themselves are involved in wickedness.  Allah declares for such people ..

 “Believers!  Why do you say what you do not do?  It is very displeasing to God to say what you do not do. ”  (Surah As-Saaf, verses: 2,3)

 "Do you instruct people to do good deeds and forget about them?"  (Surat al-Baqara, 44)

 You will see many counselors around you who always call people to the path of goodness, guide them to the path of good deeds, advise them to abstain from the path of evil, while they themselves seem to be indifferent to their own affairs.

 You will see the corrupt people, they are encouraging people not to be corrupt at various rallies and discussion-tables.  The usurers and bribe-takers are trying to persuade the people to refrain from all these things.  Sinners are warning by exposing the bad aspects of sin.  Online offline, in the neighborhood, in the community, there is the presence of well-wishers, but they themselves are drowning in the sea of ​​crime, involved in numerous unjust crimes.

 What a despicable act.  What could be worse than keeping one's body dirty and keeping others clean?  Would any tasteful person do such a thing?  Of course not.

 As if Allah were saying, ‘Do you enjoin good deeds on people and forget about them in your case?  You yourself are involved in wickedness while telling others to get better?  There is no research in your case but you are running for the welfare of others? '

 That is, the purpose of Allah here is to call someone to a good deed as well as to build oneself in the form of good before him.  The main target of the verse is that you call others to the good while you are not good yourself, you have shown the way to good to others but you are wrapped in the shroud of evil so that this irreparable loss does not happen to you.

 So such a life has to change.  There is only one external and internal identity, Mu'min Muttaqi.


 || Be good before yourself ||


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